10 novembra 2017


roaming the streets
streetlights flicker
and so do my hopes
blood's getting thicker
as I stand in the windstorm
of emotion and air
misery and me forming a pair

it’s true, love is deadly
I do feel dead
having my heart jumping out of my chest
is not as pleasant as I thought it would be
“don’t think about it, just let it be”

roaming the streets
streetlights flicker
and so do my hopes
blood‘s getting thicker
as I’m leaving the heavy rain
feeling future return
in my weak brain

still there’s a need to fight
there’s a need to stay
even when the skies are nothing but grey
as I’m typing this poem I solemnly swear
through the good and the bad
I will remain.

08 novembra 2017

Drahokamy nevedia, že majú hodnotu

rubín v najkrajšom prsteni
tam kde všetka krv pramení
sfarbili sa tvoje pery
vášnivou červenou.

jaspis visiaci pri srdci
tam kde strácajú sa sny
sfarbili sa tvoje oči
záhadnou hnedou.

diamant nosený vo sne
tam kde vdychuje sa život
sfarbila sa tvoja duša
najčistejšou čírou.

drahokam cenený nadovšetko
tam kde sa život stáva smietkou
zistil som, že si drahokam
tak si ťa navždy uchovám

(Venované môjmu drahokamu.)